About Us
Patio On The Hill
The dream of Patio On The Hill began in 2016 when Kris and Tom watched their adopted niece struggle to find a reasonable wedding venue to get married at. Watching this young lady become so disappointed as her dream wedding was looking so far out of reach really hit home. The wedding venue costs were so high, and the services included weren’t what you would expect. There had to be a better way to make a young ladies dream wedding come true.
So Tom began researching. Coming from a background in information systems and data analysis it wasn’t too hard to do. After seeing all of the services included (or lack there of) and their prices. He soon came to realize that the theory of the wedding industry seemed to be “if they want it bad enough, they will pay for it”. To him, this was unacceptable.
It so happens, that Tom and Kris loved to entertain people and would often host multiple large family/friend gatherings every year. So wedding planning came natural to them. And when they started looking at what other venues were charging and what services they were providing they immediately recognized the need for something better. So began, Patio On The Hill
Their goal was simple. Provide dream weddings for couple who did not have a large budget, and at the same time, make that wedding as stress free as possible.

Building The Dream
The original plan was to build a new larger venue and use the old rundown dairy barn for ceremonies. but unfortunately that new venue was out of the budget.
So Instead, Tom and Kris turned all of their attention to the old run down dairy barn. The Dairy Barn was originally built in the year 1933 and looked every bit of it’s almost one hundred year old history would suggest. The smell, the rusty nails, and the dirt floors all had a story. But something about it (even in its old run down state) just seemed… right. After all this was a project of love right?
Tom, not being a rustic type of person, couldn’t help but be inspired by the history of this barn and the possibilities it presented. The barn, by it’s own accord, seemed to tell him how to bring it back to life. So that’s what he did. Brought it back to life.
The goal was to create a “Wow” factor. Tom and Kris wanted to create a feeling of excitement and anticipation at their wedding venue. And make every moment that people spent there feel like a bit of magic. And it wasn’t long before people came to know that bit of magic to be Patio On The Hill.

Tom Jones
Tom grew up the youngest and only boy out of five. His father and mother were both loving parents and showed that to Tom and his sisters. All through the years, they would get together and celebrate birthdays and holidays as family. So, Tom was exposed to hosting parties at an early age. His father is who taught him by example, that what you do and how you treat people, is more rewarding than what you receive.
Tom has incorporated that lesson into how he runs Patio On The Hill. Tom and Kris do not have children, so they treat every couple getting married here as if it is their children getting married. The couple becomes a part of their family. They hug the couple and even their family members when they arrive at the venue and hug when they leave. Just like family.
So, wouldn’t you want family to host your special event? That way, you would know everything would be handled to the smallest detail with special care. Just like Tom and Kris do at every event….

Krissy Jones
Krissy grew up in a small town in Upstate N.Y. She is an only child and her parents were 21 years apart. Her Dad was older and they grew up a couple houses apart from each other and were neighbors. Her Mom was an only child and her father had one brother and two sisters. Krissy was the youngest in age of her cousins because of her parents age difference. She was taught at a young age to greet family and friends with hello and a hug. Goodbye with a hug and an I love you see you soon. They would always get together as much as they could. Birthdays, holidays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas eve.
Krissy has been told that she has Amazing strength to push through situations and see the good in others. Some have said, she lights up the room when she walks in. She tries to always have a positive attitude. God has brought her this far and will not leave her. Her Father passed away 11/18/2018 before Tom and Krissy started renovating the old dairy barn.
They were blessed to have him see the property before he passed away. They even helped remove some of the trees around the barn. Krissy has learned tomorrow is not promised so live each day to it’s fullest. Her Dad’s legacy is living on within them. With the strength, might and grace of GOD.
Tom & Krissy do not have children, God’s plans are bigger than ours. So they think of their brides & grooms as their kids and put their passion into giving them the best day ever!
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.